Project Germplasm

IWYP, along with the the Principal Investigators of the IWYP Research Projects, would like to promote any available project germplasm for use by others. Below is a list of lines which are currently available. To request seed of any of these lines please contact the Principal Investigator directly.

Note: This list will be updated as new germplasm comes available. Please check back periodically.

Project Germplasm

TraitTrait DescriptionGene / MarkerGermplasm TypeGenetic Background/PedigreePloidyStatusValidated?IP Constraints?Genotypic dataMTA?Seed codeFurther InformationContact
Grain weightThousand grain weight by mutations in the A genome of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain width length and total
Grain weightThousand grain weight by mutations in the B genome of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain width length and total
Grain weightThousand grain weight by combination of mutations in the A and B genomes of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain widthGW2-ABDNILsKronos4xBC4YesNoYESWM0004 (wild type control WM0001)
Grain weightThousand grain weight by mutations in the A genome of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain width length and total
Grain weightThousand grain weight by mutations in the A genome of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain width length and total TGWGW2-ANILs1A.1D 5+1-06/3*MOJO//RCOL/4/ARMENT//SRN_3/NIGRIS_4/3/CANELO_9.1/11/PLATA_10/6/MQUE/4/USDA573//QFN/AA_7/3/ALBA-D/5/AVO/HUI/7/PLATA_13/8/RAFI97/9/MALMUK_1/SERRATOR_1/10/ARMENT//SRN_3/NIGRIS_4/3/
Grain weightThousand grain weight by mutations in the A genome of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain width length and total
Grain weightThousand grain weight by mutations in the A genome of GW2. Effect is due to wider ovaries which leads to increase grain width length and total
Grain weightThousand grain weight by introgression of the 5A QTL (Brinton et al 2017). This gene affects grain length post-anthesis and influences cell size which leads to longer grains and dependent on environment wider
Grain weightThousand grain weight by introgression of the 5A QTL (Brinton et al 2017). This gene affects grain length post-anthesis and influences cell size which leads to longer grains and dependent on environment wider
Grain weightThousand grain weight by introgression of the 5A QTL (Brinton et al 2017). This gene affects grain length post-anthesis and influences cell size which leads to longer grains and dependent on environment wider
Grain weightThousand grain weight by introgression of the 6A QTL (Simmonds et al 2014). This gene affects grain
Grain weightThousand grain weight by introgression of the 6A QTL (Simmonds et al 2014).
This gene affects grain width
Grain weightThousand grain weight by introgression of the 6A QTL (Simmonds et al 2014). This gene affects grain
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0171; WRC0494ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0494ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0494ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0494ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0531; WRC0710; WRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0710; WRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300126xBC3 (Pavon 76 x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300046xBC3 ( Paragon x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300046xBC3 ( Paragon x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300046xBC3 ( Paragon x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300046xBC3 ( Paragon x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0957ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x A. muticum 21300046xBC3 ( Paragon x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)
PhotosynthesisSuperior photosynthetic capacityWRC0264ILsT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring x T. urartu 10100026xBC3 (Paragon x Paragon x Paragon x Sf)