Science Program Strategy


Science Program Strategy for the International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP)

IWYP endeavors to deliver a coordinated international response to an area of wheat research that was considered under-supported at the international level, namely the genetic yield potential of wheat. One of the key strengths of IWYP is that the Partnership and Program requirements have been built around an ambitious scientific challenge that is highly relevant to both the public and private sectors. An important aspect of IWYP is that it aims to significantly raise the genetic yield potential of wheat under changing climatic conditions therefore imparting greater climate resiliency.

The “IWYP Science Program” provides a unique plan to generate new discoveries and provides for their rapid incorporation into wheat crops grown throughout the world. IWYP’s overarching aims are to stimulate new research, amplify the output from existing programs and make scientific discoveries available to farmers in developing and developed nations.

Specifically, the IWYP Science Program refers to our overall strategy to link projects by coordinating research and integrating the outputs in order to attain success via an overall coordinated research “Program” and thereby generate the opportunities to generate added value. Further, IWYP’s “Science Portfolio” seeks to commission a balance of research projects that will are comprehensive with respect to the different areas of IWYP research focus and thus increase the overall potential for generating maximum impact in farmers’ fields. The IWYP Science Program constantly evolves along with technology opportunities and Funders priorities.

It is important to note that the success of IWYP not only depends upon the planning and guidance from IWYP and its management, but it also requires the IWYP scientists to be owners, network among themselves, and to build and expand the overall Science Program in a way that further generates added value and achieves goals not envisaged by the individual research projects.

IWYP’s Mission Critical Objective of Generating Opportunities and Realizing Added Value

  • Avoid competition among researchers and duplication of effort
  • Facilitate integration of relevant discoveries across projects and opportunities, not simply fund separate projects
  • Combine discoveries from funded projects, Aligned Projects and others to identify synergies and create greater impact
  • Utilize the expertise of CIMMYT and others to evaluate, validate discoveries, assess in relevant elite germplasm
  • Facilitate progress towards commercialization and distribution of improved traits and germplasm
  • To attain its mission with others

To manage and track its research and developmental pipelines, IWYP deploys a “Stage Gate System”. This includes both the spring and winter wheat Hubs on the downstream portion (see below).